Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The raft

The Raft by S. A. Bodeen is a suspenseful book about a girl named Robie. Robie is visiting her aunt in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her aunt is called in to go to a business meeting stationed in Los Angeles, CA. Robie convinces her aunt to allow her to stay at her apartment untill her scheduled return back to her hometown island, Midway. Robie is assaulted and catches a cargo plane flight back to Midway. The cargo plane has a maximum weight capacity and ultimately crash lands in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Robie survives the crash and is lost in the middle of the sea on a raft. Robie is faced with many decisions and responsibilities. Does Robie have what it takes to survive? Will she make the right choices?


Jawaharlal Nehru once said, "Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play is free will." This declares that life gives you options and the ones you choose are free will. The quote by Nehru is true, because free will revolves around the choices you make when decisions confront you. This can be clearly seen in The Raft by S. A. Bodeen. Robie (the main character in The Raft) is faced with many choices such as; staying at her aunt's house without her supervision, catching a plane by herself after the assault, keeping her deceased flight attendant alive as a figment of her imagination.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am Robbie

I am fearless and intuitive 
I wonder if I really am  
I hear the calm waves
I see blue and nothing else
I want assurance
I am fearless and intuitive

I pretend I'm not alone
I feel despair
I touch a lifeless body
I worry there's few days left for me
I cry because that's all there is to do
I am fearless and intuitive

I understand the circumstances
I say it'll be ok
I dream my life isn't over 
I try but don't succeed 
I hope this isn't the end
I am fearless and intuitive

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Hero

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming disabilities."-Christopher Reeve. 

     I agree with Chris. A hero is a person who overcomes his/her everyday struggles to take part in providing strength for a different being. A personal hero to me would be my uncle. My uncle is my rock. He provides me with the support and strength that I need. For any problem that I may have, I know I can count on him to get me through them. My uncle is able to help me even though he has many problems of his own. He is going through an abhorrent divorce. He is divorcing his wife for the second time after a failed attempt to settle their differences; for the sake of their second child. Going through a huge struggle, he still finds the words to ask me how I am feeling and how I'm doing in school. To be able to put aside all your struggles-hardships and still be able to comfort someone else is truly remarkable. He is my HERO!